Sometimes a command gives an exit code which isn’t considered an error in your playbook. You could use “ignore_errors” but it will stand out when you run your playbook, and it’s the first thing new colleagues point out when we run a play together.
This example shows you how to use the exit code in a when clause without ansible throwing (and catching) the exception.
- name: Check if md5sum of the current is the same
shell: 'md5sum --check /install/md5sum_of_installer'
register: installer_md5sum_check
failed_when: ( installer_md5sum_check.rc not in [ 0, 1 ] )
- name: Run Installer if md5sum is different or missing
name: my_install_role
when: installer_md5sum_check.rc == 1
## rc 0: the md5sum output was "OK", thus was already installed
## rc 1: it was not the same (or the file was missing)
- name: Create md5sum for the installer
shell: 'md5sum /install/ > /install/md5sum_of_installer'
when: installer_md5sum_check.rc == 1
## We can only arrive here when the installer role was successfully finished