Wow, talk about a crappy post title, but I just got this working on my corporate network and was quite happy about it.
Reason for this post; Every time I start a new assignment at a (rather big) corporation, I need to follow these steps to be able to access the internet from my vm’s.
(and I keep forgetting the steps, I’m getting old..)
What we’ll use to get this working:
- Cygwin :
- Vagrant :
- Virtualbox :
- Cntlm :
I’m running CentOS vm’s inside Vagrant with Virtualbox provisioning on Cygwin on Windows 7. I’m running Cntlm to create a local proxy for all stuff what I’m doing through cygwin, because I don’t like putting clear text passwords in bashrc or in Win / Bash variables.
- Get your corporate proxy URL (Via Google Chrome)
- Configure Cntlm
- Configure Cygwin
- Configure Vagrant
- Use teh interwebs from your VM, practicing ninja turtle coding skillz and be instantly awesome!!1!
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