Block Samsung Television ads (using ASUS router Firewall with URL Filter)

We switched to a Samsung Serif television last year, and it was not cheap.

But it feels cheap in the way it spawns ads every time we turn it on.

So let’s remove those ads by blocking the ads URL in our ASUS router, this way the television can not retrieve new ads anymore.

  1. Log in to your ASUS router
  2. Navigate to the “Firewall” menu item, located under “Advanced Settings”
  3. Select the second tab “URL Filter”
  4. Make sure the following settings are present;
    1. Enable URL Filter: “Enabled”
    2. Filter Table Type: “Deny List”
    3. URL Filter List:
      1. Add “” and click the PLUS button
    4. Click Apply

Important: make sure to choose Filter Table Type “Deny List”, which denies all entries in the list. If you would choose “Allow List” then you could only access the urls in the list and you cannot access any other site, effectively preventing you from accessing the internet from your home network.


Read more: ASUS Support FAQ: [Wireless Router] How to set up the URL Filter – Black/White List?(Firewall)

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