Create a Java path entry for all users

I install Java on all my machines and used to add the java path and home variables to the user (or my user) bash profile but every time I added another user this is a manual step.

Until I found this small trick. Add a system wide profile path setting by creating a file in:


All files in profile.d are added to every users login. Much cleaner than adding it to every user’s profile.

This is the contents of my file:


export JAVA_HOME="/opt/java"
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

These variables are set next time you log in with any user on that system.

Weblogic LDAP backup (daily, and also very very simple)

My new colleague pointed me in the right way while I was scripting waaaaay too much to create a backup of the Weblogic users and groups.
The easiest way is to use the daily backup which is created by weblogic itself.
The backup is located on de adminserver, in this location:
If there’s an issue with your embedded ldap, you can stop the adminserver, restore these files to this location:
Continue reading “Weblogic LDAP backup (daily, and also very very simple)”

BEA-010213, Message-Driven EJB: MyProcessMDB's transaction was rolled back

I encountered this error last week and it was quite a headache to find out what the source of the problem was.

Short summary:

I thought the BEA-010213 error and the rollback log entries meant that we had a database problem. This was a wrong assumption, there’s another storage type in weblogic domains which use transactions (or state transitions?), which are JMS queues, which live in persistent stores in the managed servers.
That was the source of our problem; our persistent stores became corrupted because of storage problems.
Continue reading “BEA-010213, Message-Driven EJB: MyProcessMDB's transaction was rolled back”

Weblogic, 1 managed server gives HTTP Error 401 Unauthorized, other works fine.

I encountered this weird behaviour last week where one managed server in a cluster of two servers constantly gave the error “HTTP Error 401 Unauthorized“.
The setup was a standard Oracle Service Bus installation on Oracle Weblogic.
The domain consisted out of one Admin server, one cluster with two managed servers.
Managed Server #1 was acting without problems but all the requests which needed authentication and which where pointed to Managed Server #2 failed and responded with a 401 Unauthorized message.
There was an error in the logs of MS#2, which is displayed at the bottom of this post as well.
#### <> <Inbound http BASIC authentication failed [Security:090304]Authentication Failed: User webhosting [Security:090302]Authentication Failed: User webhosting denied

The solution to this problem lies in the internal LDAP configuration of the faulty Managed Server. I did not find an answer to what might have caused this problem, but the solution was to rebuild the LDAP setting of the Managed Server.
This is done by following these steps:

  1. Shut down Managed Server via Weblogic Console
  2. Log in via SSH
  3. Rename the following folder: %domain_directory%/servers/%osb_managed_server_1%/data/ldap
  4. Start the Managed Server via Weblogic Console

These steps will rebuild the LDAP folder, which is the internal LDAP to which Weblogic authenticates.
You can then remove the folder you’ve backed up in step 3.
Continue reading “Weblogic, 1 managed server gives HTTP Error 401 Unauthorized, other works fine.”

Select an XML tag or node using Oracle PL SQL

Hi guys,
I’ve been using this trick for a while and it’s quite useful when querying Oracle Service Bus logs. I found myself trying to explain this one to a colleague and thought it made a nice post 🙂
Let’s start with the basic command:
Which translates into:
[code language=”sql”]
FROM xml_table
Note: the first argument is being cast from CLOB to XMLTYPE and that you can keep adding namespaces at the end by adding commas.
I’ve added three rows in my table “XML_TABLE” for this example:
[code language=”XML”]
<book category="WEB">
<title lang="en">Learning XML</title>
<author>Erik T. Ray</author>
<book category="CHILDREN">
<title lang="en">Harry Potter</title>
<author>J K. Rowling</author>
<book category="WEB">
<title lang="en">Learning XML</title>
<author>Erik T. Ray</author>
Next we’ll query our XML_TABLE:
[code language=”sql”]
EXTRACTVALUE( xmltype(xmlval), ‘/book/title’ ) AS title,
EXTRACTVALUE( xmltype(xmlval), ‘/book/author’ ) AS author,
EXTRACTVALUE( xmltype(xmlval), ‘/book/year’ ) AS year,
EXTRACTVALUE( xmltype(xmlval), ‘/book/price’ ) AS price
FROM xml_table;
Which results in this output:
Workspace 1_034
Awesome, right!? 🙂
Continue reading “Select an XML tag or node using Oracle PL SQL”

Dynamic HTTP endpoint in Oracle Service Bus 12c based on values in a database routing table

This article outlines how to set a dynamic endpoint in an OSB HTTP Business Service. The endpoint is retrieved from a routing table which resides in an Oracle 12c database.

Components used for this solution:

  1. Ubuntu Linux 14.04 64bit
    1. JDeveloper, running the Quick Start Oracle Fusion Middleware suite
      1. Oracle Service Bus 12c
      2. Oracle Weblogic 12c
      3. OSB Project location:
    2. Oracle Virtualbox Developer Days image for DB 12c, running:
      1. Oracle Database 12c
    3. Oracle SQL Developer 4

This picture shows the running solution in the OSB test console:
Oracle Service Bus Console 12c : Pipeline Testing - DBRouting_v1Pipeline - Google Chrome_019

Database table preparation

We need a routing table in our schema, I’m using this table setup:

    "ROUTE" VARCHAR2(50),
Where ROUTE stands for the identifier and ENDPOINT is the HTTP endpoint we try to reach.
I’ve inserted two rows:
Insert into ROUTINGTABLE (ROUTE,ENDPOINT) values ('SalesOrder','http://localhost:7101/salesEndpoint');
Insert into ROUTINGTABLE (ROUTE,ENDPOINT) values ('FinanceReceipt','http://localhost:7101/financeEndpoint');
These two endpoints will point to very simple OSB services which we will create in a moment.

Weblogic configuration: JDBC Data Source

We need to configure a JDBC data source in our Weblogic server, this data source is used by the XQuery function to execute SQL.
Start JDEVeloper, select your integrated Weblogic Server and start it up.
When your domain is started, open the WLS Console:
Login and open the Data Sources summary:
Navigation in Console: DefaultDomain - Services - Data Sources
Create a new datasource, in my example I use the JNDI name “LocalDB
When you’re done with the configuration, test the datasource to make sure all is well:
The status message will be green and show a check mark if you’ve configured your data source correctly.

JDeveloper: Oracle Service Bus project

If you import the DBRouting project from here, you should have all the necessary services.
I will only discuss the assign steps which are needed in the DBRouting_v1Pipeline.pipeline.
There are three assign actions:
1.) Assign $route: node-name($body/*[1])
This assign determines our routing key. It is the same key as
the first column in the routing table.
The XPath here is used to select the name of the first node
but you can change this to what you want to route on.
2.) Assign $query: 
fn:concat("select ENDPOINT from ROUTINGTABLE where ROUTE = '", $route, "'")
This assign determines the query which will be executed in
the next step. We want to select the ENDPOINT which belongs
to the ROUTE which was assigned in step 1.
3.) Assign $query: 
This assign actually executes the SQL query to our database,
which is the first argument.
The second argument names the re-occurring rows, in this
case "ENDPOINT".
The thirst argument is the query to execute.
The XPath after the execute-sql statement is to make sure
we only get one endpoint.
4.) After those assigns, we use place a task “Routing Options” in the HTTP Route node:
We only use the “URI” Routing Option:
This ends the article, if you execute the pipeline you will see the endpoint has become dynamic, it is retreived from the routing table:
Oracle Service Bus Console 12c : Pipeline Testing - DBRouting_v1Pipeline - Google Chrome_019

Start JDeveloper on Ubuntu Linux for Fusion Middleware SOA Suite 12c

Okay, this was a bit awkward, I installed the quick start 12c Fusion Middleware and was well underway to getting it all up and running.
Untill I closed JDev and couldn’t find the executable anymore..!
For anyone who had the same embarrassing situation, it’s located here:


Find Java JRE location on Ubuntu Linux

Everybody knows that the java executable is located in /usr/bin/java , but what if you need the JDK / JRE location itself?
Just using “whereis” will not get you there, that will point you to the /usr/bin/java point.
joris@howlingmad: ~_011
So, let’s find out a but more about /usr/bin/java:

ls -l /usr/bin |grep java

joris@howlingmad: ~_012
Awesome, this will lead us somewhere, it’s a symlink to /etc/alternatives/java
So let’s do the same there:

ls -l /etc/alternatives/ |grep java

And we’ve hit the jackpot, among the lines here, there’s a bunch of lines pointing us to the JRE location:
joris@howlingmad: ~_013
As you can see in the screenshit, our java executable within the JRE location is:


Which means the JRE location is:



Can not connect to Virtualbox Guest Oracle Database 12c Developer Day Database VM due to Oracle Linux firewall

It seems there’s a firewall present on the latest Developer Days Database image which I’ve just downloaded from Oracle.


I enjoy using these images because it is a complete reference install of Oracle Linux, Oracle Database and Oracle SQL Developer (among others). Besides that, it only takes 10 minutes to setup a base install from the image.
Usually I like to connect from my local SQL Developer instead of the one inside the VM.


But with this setup I could not connect when I added the NAT Port Forwarding in Virtualbox, it timed out when trying to connect. I could connect from the SQL Developer inside the VM, just not through the NAT port which was forwarded (important: see the bottom of this post to check the NAT Port Forwarding settings in Virtualbox)


It’s fairly easy to add a firewall rule which allows access to port 1521 on Oracle Linux, we can even do it with a GUI:
Select Menu “System” – “Administration” – “Firewall”
Screenshot from 2014-08-19 12:55:14Then follow these steps:

  1. Click [Other Ports]
  2. Click [Add]
  3. Select [User Defined]
  4. Enter Port: “1521”
  5. Select Protocol: “TCP”
  6. Click [Apply]
  7. Click [Reload]

Screenshot from 2014-08-19 12:55:55
You’ve just added port 1521 to the iptables which makes it okay to connect to this port from another IP outside the local machine.
We can test from SQL Developer, running on the Host:
Oracle SQL Developer : Local - Sys_009
And it works! 🙂

Extra: NAT Port Forwarding in Virtualbox

Just to be sure, these are the settings you’ll need to set inside the Virtualbox Manager to setup the port forwarding on port 1521 from the guest to the host:
Select the “Settings” of the Developer Day VM and then:

  1. Select “Network”
  2. Click [Port Forwarding]

OTN Developer Day VM_1 - Settings_012
Then in the Port Forwarding Rules:

  1. Enter a descriptive name: “DB”
  2. Enter the host port: “1521”
  3. Enter the guest port: “1521”

OTN Developer Day VM_1 - Settings_011

Oracle SQL Developer 4 does not run on Oracle Java 7 on Ubuntu 14.04

Wow, ain’t this awkward :-). I cannot run Oracle SQL Developer 4 (4.0.2) on Ubuntu with Oracle JDK 7..

To be complete: when running SQL Developer with JDK 7 from Oracle itself, displays the following error;

joris@dipshit:~/programs/sqldeveloper$ ./
Oracle SQL Developer
Copyright (c) 1997, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
LOAD TIME : 968#
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x6aa69be0, pid=9537, tid=1836366656
# JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (7.0_65-b17) (build 1.7.0_65-b17)
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (24.65-b04 mixed mode linux-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C 0x6aa69be0
# Failed to write core dump. Core dumps have been disabled. To enable core dumping, try "ulimit -c unlimited" before starting Java again
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# /home/joris/programs/sqldeveloper/sqldeveloper/bin/hs_err_pid9537.log
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
/home/joris/programs/sqldeveloper/sqldeveloper/bin/../../ide/bin/ line 1193: 9537 Aborted (core dumped) ${JAVA} "${APP_VM_OPTS[@]}" ${APP_ENV_VARS} -classpath ${APP_CLASSPATH} ${APP_MAIN_CLASS} "${APP_APP_OPTS[@]}"

Solution: Run Oracle SQL Developer with OpenJDK

First we’ll need to install OpenJDK:

sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk 

Then we’ll need to change the path which SQL Developer uses. This was asked once when you first started it and it is saved in the following path:


The file [[ product.conf ]] contains the value SetJavaHome, we need to change this to the OpenJDK path;

If you're running 32 bit Ubuntu:

SetJavaHome /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i386

Or if you're running 64 bit Ubuntu:

SetJavaHome /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64

After saving this change, you can start SQL Developer on Ubuntu 14.04 and it will use OpenJDK 7, without changing your regular Java settings!